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Online Banking

Interactive Teller Machines

Technology with a Personal Touch

Our new branch at 183rd and Maple Streets is home to our first Interactive Teller Machines (ITMs)! 

We are excited to debut ITM technology to our membership. Like ATMs, an ITM can take deposits, dispense cash, and check your account balances. They can also dispense cash in more denominations (even ones and fives!), make payments on your loans, and transfer funds to and from your accounts! You can also speak directly to a video teller if you need assistance. 

    Whether you come inside the branch or go through the drive-thru, you'll be able to try out the ITM. Forgot your debit card? No problem - come inside and you can access your account with your account number (we will ask to verify your ID). 

    Our F Street branch recently replaced their ATM with an ITM, so stop by either branch and try it out! 

    Check out the video above to see the ITM in action! There's also a list of Frequently Asked Questions if you need help. 

    ITM Frequently Asked Questions

    What is an ITM?

    An ITM is an Interactive Teller Machine. An ITM combines the traditional functions of an ATM with added capabilities such as making a loan payment, transferring between accounts, and even active teller assistance.

    Do I need a special card to use the ITM?

    No. You can use your debit card or enter your account number and social security number.  

    What transactions can be performed at the ITM?

    • Balance inquiries
    • Receive a printout of the last 5-10 transactions on your account suffix
    • Cash deposits
    • Check deposits
    • Cash withdrawals in varying denominations
    • Transfer funds between depository accounts
    • Make loan payments by cash, check, or transfer

    What transactions CANNOT be performed at the ITM?

    • Issue Cashier’s Checks or Money Orders
    • Print forms, statements, or tax documents
    • Accept or dispense more than 50 bills or checks at once
    • Dispense coin
    • Allow withdrawals or transfers from loans or lines of credit
    • Permit transfers to accounts you are not linked to

    Can I get cash back from my deposit?

    Deposits with cash back are permitted if the cash back amount is already available in the account. 

    Can I withdraw/transfer from my line of credit?

    Yes, if there are funds available and you meet the minimum advance amount of $100.

    What if I make a cash loan payment but I need change?

    You will receive cash back if you input more cash than your payment amount. 

    How do I speak to a video teller?

    Just tap the Request Teller Assistance button from the main screen! If you’re in a transaction, just tap Help at the bottom of each screen.  

    When are video tellers available?

    Active teller assistance is available M-F 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. and on Saturdays from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. 

    Can I choose specific dollar amounts?

    Yes, denomination options are provided for your cash withdrawals. 

    How do I maintain my privacy?

    • You can adjust the volume of the machine to a preferred level.
    • You can always use a handset to communicate (inside the branch).
    • You can type customer verification information privately should we require it.

    Our Members, Their Stories

    I have banked with Mutual 1st Federal for over 10 years and it gets better each year. Thank you very much!