Contact Mutual 1st Federal
If you have a question about your account, are unsure how to use our mobile app, or want more information about any of our services, contact us today. Give us a call, send an email, or fill out our simple form below, and one of the great Mutual 1st Federal team members will be in touch with you!
Phone: 402.697.8200 or toll free 877.697.8545
Fax: 402.697.3591
Call Center Service Representatives available:
Mon - Fri: 8:00am-5:00pm
Sat: 9:00am-12:00pm
Telephone Teller: Access your Mutual 1st Federal accounts from any touchtone phone to securely check current balances, see if a transaction has posted, and more. Call 402.330.0104 or toll free 800.697.9247.
Online Appointment
We’ve launched a way for you to virtually book branch appointments via our website. Make your appointment now. You can make an in-branch appointment at either branch OR if you prefer to speak to someone on the phone, you can sign up for this option.
Visit Us
14510 F Street
Suite 101, Omaha NE
Central Omaha Branch
8073 Blondo Street
Omaha NE 68134
Northwest Omaha Branch
18282 Evans St
Omaha NE 68022
Shared Branching Locations
Access over 5,000 branches nationwide! Find a Location
Learn more about Shared Branching transactions
Email Us
Click here to send us an email! Please note: this email is an unsecured method of communication; please do not disclose personal information such as your Social Security number or account number.
Get Started Today!
Routing Number: 304083147
Mutual 1st Federal NMLS: 442106
Our Members, Their Stories
I have been a member of Mutual 1st Federal for over 25 years and since then my whole family has also joined. The credit union offers a vast array of great products and our family has used most of them including mortgages, car loans and savings products. We’ve enjoyed the relationship with our credit union friends and will continue to do business long into the future.